Amiga Format CD 39
Amiga Format CD39 (1999-04-13)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-05].iso
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817 lines
/* Predict.c, motion compensation routines */
/* Copyright (C) 1996, MPEG Software Simulation Group. All Rights Reserved. */
* Disclaimer of Warranty
* These software programs are available to the user without any license fee or
* royalty on an "as is" basis. The MPEG Software Simulation Group disclaims
* any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statuary, including any
* implied warranties or merchantability or of fitness for a particular
* purpose. In no event shall the copyright-holder be liable for any
* incidental, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind whatsoever
* arising from the use of these programs.
* This disclaimer of warranty extends to the user of these programs and user's
* customers, employees, agents, transferees, successors, and assigns.
* The MPEG Software Simulation Group does not represent or warrant that the
* programs furnished hereunder are free of infringement of any third-party
* patents.
* Commercial implementations of MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, including shareware,
* are subject to royalty fees to patent holders. Many of these patents are
* general enough such that they are unavoidable regardless of implementation
* design.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "global.h"
#include "commandline.h"
struct fpdata
// do not change or reorder the first
// 8 parameters!!!
unsigned short h;
unsigned short w;
unsigned short lx2;
short y;
short x;
unsigned short lx;
short dx;
short dy;
unsigned char **src;
unsigned char **dst;
short sfield;
short dfield;
short average;
#include "fcprediction.h"
static void form_prediction(struct fpdata *f, int average_flag);
static void form_component_prediction _ANSI_ARGS_((unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst,
int lx, int lx2, int w, int h, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, int average_flag));
void form_predictions(bx,by,macroblock_type,motion_type,PMV,motion_vertical_field_select,dmvector,stwtype)
int bx, by;
int macroblock_type;
int motion_type;
int PMV[2][2][2], motion_vertical_field_select[2][2], dmvector[2];
int stwtype;
struct fpdata fpdata;
int currentfield;
unsigned char **predframe;
int DMV[2][2];
int stwtop, stwbot;
stwtop = stwtype%3; /* 0:temporal, 1:(spat+temp)/2, 2:spatial */
stwbot = stwtype/3;
fpdata.x = bx;
fpdata.w = 16;
if ((macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD)
|| (picture_coding_type==P_TYPE))
if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
fpdata.src = forward_reference_frame;
fpdata.dst = current_frame;
fpdata.lx2 = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.h = 8;
if ((motion_type==MC_FRAME)
|| !(macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD))
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width;
fpdata.y = by;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1];
if (stwtop<2)
fpdata.sfield = 0;
fpdata.dfield = 0;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
if (stwbot<2)
fpdata.sfield = 1;
fpdata.dfield = 1;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwbot);
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,1,
// Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwbot);
else if (motion_type==MC_FIELD) /* field-based prediction */
/* top field prediction */
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[0][0];
fpdata.dfield = 0;
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.y = by>>1;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1] >> 1;
if (stwtop<2)
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][0],
// current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
// bx,by>>1,PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,stwtop);
/* bottom field prediction */
if (stwbot<2)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[1][0];
fpdata.dfield = 1;
fpdata.dx = PMV[1][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[1][0][1] >> 1;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwbot);
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[1][0],
// current_frame,1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
// bx,by>>1,PMV[1][0][0],PMV[1][0][1]>>1,stwbot);
else if (motion_type==MC_DMV) /* dual prime prediction */
/* calculate derived motion vectors */
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.y = by>>1;
if (stwtop<2)
/* predict top field from top field */
fpdata.sfield = 0;
fpdata.dfield = 0;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1] >> 1;
form_prediction(&fpdata, 0);
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,0);
fpdata.sfield = 1;
fpdata.dx = DMV[0][0];
fpdata.dy = DMV[0][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, 1);
/* predict and add to top field from bottom field */
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
// DMV[0][0],DMV[0][1],1);
if (stwbot<2)
fpdata.sfield = 1;
fpdata.dfield = 1;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1] >> 1;
form_prediction(&fpdata, 0);
// /* predict bottom field from bottom field */
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,1,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1]>>1,0);
fpdata.sfield = 0;
fpdata.dx = DMV[1][0];
fpdata.dy = DMV[1][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, 1);
/* predict and add to bottom field from top field */
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,1,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by>>1,
// DMV[1][0],DMV[1][1],1);
// else
// /* invalid motion_type */
// printf("invalid motion_type\n");
fpdata.dst = current_frame;
fpdata.lx2 = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.dfield = 0;
/* field picture */
currentfield = (picture_structure==BOTTOM_FIELD);
/* determine which frame to use for prediction */
if ((picture_coding_type==P_TYPE) && Second_Field
&& (currentfield!=motion_vertical_field_select[0][0]))
predframe = backward_reference_frame; /* same frame */
predframe = forward_reference_frame; /* previous frame */
fpdata.src = predframe;
if ((motion_type==MC_FIELD)
|| !(macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_FORWARD))
/* field-based prediction */
if (stwtop<2)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[0][0];
fpdata.h = 16;
fpdata.y = by;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(predframe,motion_vertical_field_select[0][0],current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,bx,by,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
else if (motion_type==MC_16X8)
if (stwtop<2)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[0][0];
fpdata.h = 8;
fpdata.y = by;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(predframe,motion_vertical_field_select[0][0],current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],stwtop);
/* determine which frame to use for lower half prediction */
if ((picture_coding_type==P_TYPE) && Second_Field
&& (currentfield!=motion_vertical_field_select[1][0]))
predframe = backward_reference_frame; /* same frame */
predframe = forward_reference_frame; /* previous frame */
fpdata.src = predframe;
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[1][0];
fpdata.y = by+8;
fpdata.dx = PMV[1][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[1][0][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(predframe,motion_vertical_field_select[1][0],current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by+8,
// PMV[1][0][0],PMV[1][0][1],stwtop);
else if (motion_type==MC_DMV) /* dual prime prediction */
if (Second_Field)
predframe = backward_reference_frame; /* same frame */
predframe = forward_reference_frame; /* previous frame */
/* calculate derived motion vectors */
fpdata.src = forward_reference_frame;
fpdata.sfield = currentfield;
fpdata.h = 16;
fpdata.y = by;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][0][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][0][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, 0);
/* predict from field of same parity */
// form_prediction(forward_reference_frame,currentfield,current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,bx,by,
// PMV[0][0][0],PMV[0][0][1],0);
fpdata.src = predframe;
fpdata.sfield = !currentfield;
fpdata.dx = DMV[0][0];
fpdata.dy = DMV[0][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, 1);
// /* predict from field of opposite parity */
// form_prediction(predframe,!currentfield,current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,bx,by,
// DMV[0][0],DMV[0][1],1);
// else
// /* invalid motion_type */
// printf("invalid motion_type\n");
stwtop = stwbot = 1;
if (macroblock_type & MACROBLOCK_MOTION_BACKWARD)
fpdata.src = backward_reference_frame;
fpdata.dst = current_frame;
fpdata.lx2 = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
if (picture_structure==FRAME_PICTURE)
fpdata.h = 8;
if (motion_type==MC_FRAME)
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width;
fpdata.y = by;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][1][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][1][1];
/* frame-based prediction */
if (stwtop<2)
fpdata.sfield = 0;
fpdata.dfield = 0;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,0,current_frame,0,
// Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
// PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
if (stwbot<2)
fpdata.sfield = 1;
fpdata.dfield = 1;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwbot);
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,1,current_frame,1,
// Coded_Picture_Width,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,bx,by,
// PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwbot);
else /* field-based prediction */
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.y = by>>1;
/* top field prediction */
if (stwtop<2)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[0][1];
fpdata.dfield = 0;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][1][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][1][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][1],
// current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
// bx,by>>1,PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1]>>1,stwtop);
/* bottom field prediction */
if (stwbot<2)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[1][1];
fpdata.dfield = 1;
fpdata.dx = PMV[1][1][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[1][1][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwbot);
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[1][1],
// current_frame,1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
// bx,by>>1,PMV[1][1][0],PMV[1][1][1]>>1,stwbot);
fpdata.lx = Coded_Picture_Width<<1;
fpdata.dfield = 0;
fpdata.y = by;
fpdata.dx = PMV[0][1][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[0][1][1];
/* field picture */
if (motion_type==MC_FIELD)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[0][1];
fpdata.h = 16;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
/* field-based prediction */
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][1],
// current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,16,
// bx,by,PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
else if (motion_type==MC_16X8)
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[0][1];
fpdata.h = 8;
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[0][1],
// current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
// bx,by,PMV[0][1][0],PMV[0][1][1],stwtop);
fpdata.sfield = motion_vertical_field_select[1][1];
fpdata.y = by+8;
fpdata.dx = PMV[1][1][0];
fpdata.dy = PMV[1][1][1];
form_prediction(&fpdata, stwtop);
// form_prediction(backward_reference_frame,motion_vertical_field_select[1][1],
// current_frame,0,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,Coded_Picture_Width<<1,16,8,
// bx,by+8,PMV[1][1][0],PMV[1][1][1],stwtop);
// else
// /* invalid motion_type */
// printf("invalid motion_type\n");
static void form_prediction(struct fpdata *f, int average_flag)
if (!opts[OPT_GREY])
int lx = f->lx, lx2 = f->lx2, w = f->w,
x = f->x, dx = f->dx, h = f->h, y = f->y, dy = f->dy;
if (chroma_format!=CHROMA444)
lx >>= 1;
lx2 >>= 1;
w >>= 1;
x >>= 1;
dx >>= 1;
if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
h >>= 1;
y >>= 1;
dy >>= 1;
/* Cb */
/* Cr */
/* ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.4: Forming predictions */
/* NOTE: the arithmetic below produces numerically equivalent results
* to 7.6.4, yet is more elegant. It differs in the following ways:
* 1. the vectors (dx, dy) are based on cartesian frame
* coordiantes along a half-pel grid (always positive numbers)
* In contrast, vector[r][s][t] are differential (with positive and
* negative values). As a result, deriving the integer vectors
* (int_vec[t]) from dx, dy is accomplished by a simple right shift.
* 2. Half pel flags (xh, yh) are equivalent to the LSB (Least
* Significant Bit) of the half-pel coordinates (dx,dy).
* NOTE: the work of combining predictions (ISO/IEC 13818-2 section 7.6.7)
* is distributed among several other stages. This is accomplished by
* folding line offsets into the source and destination (src,dst)
* addresses (note the call arguments to form_prediction() in Predict()),
* line stride variables lx and lx2, the block dimension variables (w,h),
* average_flag, and by the very order in which Predict() is called.
* This implementation design (implicitly different than the spec)
* was chosen for its elegance.
static void __inline form_component_prediction(src,dst,lx,lx2,w,h,x,y,dx,dy,average_flag)
unsigned char *src;
unsigned char *dst;
int lx; /* raster line increment */
int lx2;
int w,h;
int x,y;
int dx,dy;
int average_flag; /* flag that signals bi-directional or Dual-Prime
averaging ( and if average_flag==1,
a previously formed prediction has been stored in
pel_pred[] */
int xint; /* horizontal integer sample vector: analogous to int_vec[0] */
int yint; /* vertical integer sample vectors: analogous to int_vec[1] */
int xh; /* horizontal half sample flag: analogous to half_flag[0] */
int yh; /* vertical half sample flag: analogous to half_flag[1] */
int i, j, v;
unsigned char *s; /* source pointer: analogous to pel_ref[][] */
unsigned char *d; /* destination pointer: analogous to pel_pred[][] */
unsigned char *ts, *td, *ts2;
/* half pel scaling for integer vectors */
xint = dx>>1;
yint = dy>>1;
/* derive half pel flags */
xh = dx & 1;
yh = dy & 1;
/* compute the linear address of pel_ref[][] and pel_pred[][]
based on cartesian/raster cordinates provided */
s = src + lx*(y+yint) + x + xint;
d = dst + lx*y + x;
if (!xh && !yh) /* no horizontal nor vertical half-pel */
if (average_flag)
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td = (unsigned char) ((*td + *ts + 1) >> 1); td++; ts++;
*td = (unsigned char) ((*td + *ts + 1) >> 1); td++; ts++;
*td = (unsigned char) ((*td + *ts + 1) >> 1); td++; ts++;
*td = (unsigned char) ((*td + *ts + 1) >> 1); td++; ts++;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td++ = *ts++;
*td++ = *ts++;
*td++ = *ts++;
*td++ = *ts++;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
else if (!xh && yh) /* no horizontal but vertical half-pel */
if (average_flag)
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
ts2 = s + lx;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td = (*td + ((*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1; td++; ts++; ts2++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1; td++; ts++; ts2++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1; td++; ts++; ts2++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1) + 1) >> 1; td++; ts++; ts2++;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
ts2 = s + lx;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td++ = (*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1; ts++; ts2++;
*td++ = (*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1; ts++; ts2++;
*td++ = (*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1; ts++; ts2++;
*td++ = (*ts + *ts2 + 1) >> 1; ts++; ts2++;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
else if (xh && !yh) /* horizontal but no vertical half-pel */
if (average_flag)
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1)) >> 1; *td++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1)) >> 1; *td++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1)) >> 1; *td++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1)) >> 1; *td++;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1;
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1;
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1;
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + 1) >> 1;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
else /* if (xh && yh) horizontal and vertical half-pel */
if (average_flag)
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
ts2 = s + lx;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2) + 1) >> 1; *td++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2) + 1) >> 1; *td++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2) + 1) >> 1; *td++;
*td = (*td + ((*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2) + 1) >> 1; *td++;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
for (j=0; j<h; j++)
ts = s;
ts2 = s + lx;
td = d;
for (i=0; i<w; i+=4)
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2;
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2;
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2;
*td++ = (*ts++ + *ts + *ts2++ + *ts2 + 2) >> 2;
s+= lx2;
d+= lx2;
/////////////////////////// obsolete /////////////////////////////
#if 0
static void
unsigned char *src[]; /* prediction source buffer */
int sfield; /* prediction source field number (0 or 1) */
unsigned char *dst[]; /* prediction destination buffer */
int dfield; /* prediction destination field number (0 or 1)*/
int lx,lx2; /* line strides */
int w,h; /* prediction block/sub-block width, height */
int x,y; /* pixel co-ordinates of top-left sample in current MB */
int dx,dy; /* horizontal, vertical prediction address */
int average_flag; /* add prediction error to prediction ? */
/* Y */
if (!opts[OPT_GREY])
if (chroma_format!=CHROMA444)
lx>>=1; lx2>>=1; w>>=1; x>>=1; dx/=2;
if (chroma_format==CHROMA420)
h>>=1; y>>=1; dy/=2;
/* Cb */
/* Cr */